
On this page, you can read journeys users have shared publicly.

Creation of MyJourney

By Christopher Wray

How in the world was MyJourney ever created? In this journey, I will share the journey of MyJourney.

How my buddies and I escaped the seventh cyborg attack.

By Christopher Wray

The attack came out of nowhere, for those of us in Sector 9. It was the moment that set us on this journey, never to forget it again...

How I became a real estate investor

How I became a real estate investor

By Jordan Filbrun

It just makes sense.... why let your money sit in a bank for some rainy day when you can make it work for you? Well, the truth of the matter is you work for it as well. But its very rewarding and frustrating and, hopefully in the future, freeing. I decided to jump in with both feet after reading...

Our Home

Our Home

By Andrew Cox

Buying our first home was a process my wife and I have learned so much from. Right now as I’m writing this story, it’s hard to think about the positives of home ownership, since we now spend all our spare time fixing up the place. However, there were many key elements to buying our home that make it...

My first trip to China

By Christopher Wray

This is the story of how I first was able to travel to China, and what all transpired on that trip. I can honestly say that this trip changed my life forever.

Cómo Christopher y yo nos convertimos en familia.

Cómo Christopher y yo nos convertimos en familia.

By Areli Wray

Mi tía me habló para que fuera con ella, cuando me acerqué estaba él. Volteó hacia mí y me sonrió como nadie lo ha vuelto a hacer, en ese momento ella nos presentó. Ahí no lo sabía, pero iba a casarme con ese joven aunque para eso pasarían bastantes sucesos primero, y de esto se trata esta historia,...

My journey to get a 2nd Bachelors degree

By Jordan Filbrun

I had already got my Bachelors in Applied Management but my career took me down a different path in Information Technology and I realized that was my passion. I needed to show that I knew what I had been working with for many years.

How I fell into Software Development

How I fell into Software Development

By Christopher Wray

This journey is a long one, really, but this is the journey that I first wanted to share when I decided to build this website.  I never dreamed of being a Software Developer, and that is why I have decided to include so much of my life story in this journey.  This journey isn't finished yet, but a...

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